Monday, December 29, 2008

Anthraquinones in Aloe products

This article is based on an Aloe Ferox technical report, the information contained in this article relates to the use of Aloin in Aloe products and Aloe Bitters or Bitter Crystals


The Internet has simplified the distribution of information to such an extent that it is often very difficult for a non-specialist to judge between the truth, propaganda or a marketing message. The latter uses all information to its disposal in order to convince a potential buyer to purchase a particular product. It is important to understand, that although there is often nothing wrong with this approach, information for marketing messages is very often used subjectively to suit the specific marketing message. This implies that research results, which are interpreted for marketing messages, are subject to the goals of the advertising message. This is common to all types of products.

In aloe-based health and cosmetics products, the presence (or absence) of anthraquinones (bitter sap), or processing conditions are often used to favor one company's products above another. The purpose of this report is to highlight research results on the beneficial as well as adverse properties of bitter sap within proper use context, so that the consumer is able to distinguish between truth and misinformation. It is reported that research results over many decades have proved that bitter sap is positively associated with wound healing, anti-inflammatory actions, anti-viral activities, slow down of cell aging, inhibition of tumor growth, and many others therapeutic feats. However, the laxative property is often a disputed therapeutic characteristic of bitter sap. Adverse effects associated with bitter sap include cramping, diarrhea, and even the risk of colorectal cancer. These potentially harmful effects are results of overdose, abuse or long term use.

Research has shown that when used in moderation for short periods, oral intake or the application of bitter sap is indeed beneficial for human use. However, if the intended quantity, duration and purpose of bitter sap are taken out of use-context, the adverse effects of bitter sap can easily be obscured as "toxic". It is exactly this technique that some marketing messages use to promote their aloin-free aloe products.

The full picture of Information:

Internet technology introduced the Information age and thereby enabled the public to obtain information on almost any conceivable topic. This has led to rapid education of the masses in many different areas. As a result, today's civilization is generally much more informed than a few decades ago. However, available information, (being subject to the personal interpretation of the author), is not always accurate. In fact, the fast dissemination of personal interpretations, pictures and email rumors have already led to many myths about particular topics.

Typically of the Internet, it is common to find convincingly strong arguments in favor of a particular viewpoint, as well as compelling condemnation of the same topic from those opposing the viewpoint. Full information on all aspects of such a topic, especially information on the context where claims are valid, is not always divulged in the line of reasoning. As a result, it becomes very difficult for the non-specialist to distinguish between the truth, half-truths and propaganda.

Marketing messages are often responsible of spreading half-truths. As the purpose of a marketing message is to convince a potential buyer to purchase a specific product, different techniques are used to achieve this goal. One technique is to highlight the beneficial qualities of the product to such an extent that the uninformed obliviously accepts the product as perfect. Undesirable qualities are either not mentioned or down played as insignificant. Another technique is to show off about some property that a product does not posses, trusting other media-delivered messages to complete the implication for the buyer. For example, media-delivered messages have irrevocably associated a lean body with a fatless or sugarless diet.

A product could therefore only use the words "sugar free" to evoke an impression of a healthy and lean body, even though the actual product might contain all sorts of harmful substances. Such a message trusts the association that is made with sugar, and the product's lack thereof, to sell its product.

The same techniques are used in almost every market. Health and cosmetic products that based on aloe are no exception. Consumers and potential buyers are bombarded either with images of energetic well-being or with threats of insignificant potency with possible toxic effects. In today's age, aloe-based products are highly acclaimed, but what should a potential buyer or consumer believe about the conflicting messages?

Much scientific research has been conducted over the past few decades. In many research results, the therapeutic qualities of the aloe have been shown, while from other research efforts, there seems to be warnings. The purpose of this report is to consider the latter in order to explain where and when aloe products may be harmful.

Aloe Anatomy

The specific issue in question is the presence of the anthraquinones (specifically aloin and aloe-emodin) components in the aloe leaf. Perhaps it would make sense to briefly describe the basic composition of the aloe leaf. An aloe leaf is composed of three distinct layers, the thick green chlorophyllic skin on the outside, a dark-yellow sticky liquid below the skin, and a white fibrous gel-like inner flesh. The liquid layer consists of anthraquinones, of which aloin, aloe-emodin and barbaloin are probably the most well known. Combined, these components are referred to as the "bitters" or the "bitter sap".

Although adjoining, each layer has a different consistency and one layer does not flow into the other. Depending on processing methods, it is possible to either isolate the different layers from one another, or to combine them into one pulp. There are different factors that influence the success of such an isolation process. For example, degradation of an aloe leaf sets in if the leaves are not processed within 36 hours of harvesting. Degradation becomes apparent when the firmness of the inner flesh is lost. As the inner structure of the leaf disintegrates, the bitter sap diffuses into the degraded structure. Whether to isolate the layers for a particular product or not,
depends on the specific objectives of the product.

The three layers differ in their physical appearance, chemical composition, potential benefits, as well as their potential harmful effects. Over the past number of decades much research has gone into the therapeutic or potential harmful effects of the different layers of the aloe leaf. Research results are significant if consumers understand the context of the experiments and also the leaf layer to which the results are applicable. To illustrate the point: a constipated person has read of the laxative properties associated with aloes and decides to eat some fresh aloe to relief his
problem. He cuts a leaf, skins it, washes it thoroughly to remove the bitter sticky brown stuff, and then consumes a few bites of inner flesh. Since the laxative properties of aloes are only found in the bitter sap and none of the other layers, the entire aloe-eating effort would be futile.

Therapeutic properties of the Aloe

There are many positive research results associated with bitter sap proving its medicinal properties. One of its most prominent properties is its laxative effects. Other important characteristics include bactericidal activities against various wound infecting bacteria; inhibiting actions against bacteria responsible for peptic ulcers, gastroenteritis and unary tract infections (1); virucidal activities against the herpes and influenza virus (2) prophylactic (disease prevention) effects (3), inhibiting actions against tumour growth (4,5,6); slowing down of cell aging (7), and anti-inflammatory and cleansing (detoxification) effects (8).

Potential adverse effects of the Aloe

Overdose of any medicinal or therapeutic substance will always negate a substance's benefits in favour of toxic consequences. For example, as with any other laxative it has been shown 9 that excessive doses or prolonged use of bitters may cause cramping, gastritis, vomiting, diarrhea, and nephritis (kidney inflammation).

Chronic use or abuse of the laxatives has been associated with aggravation of constipation, reason for dependency, and increased risk of colorectal cancer. However, these effects are not uncommon to laxatives in general. The appropriate method of addressing a chronic condition such as constipation lies in lifestyle changes including a fibrous diet, plenty of water and sufficient exercise and not in continuous use of laxatives. Today it has become too easy to misuse therapeutic substances and then impugn the substance for toxic effects from constant use and abuse. As with any other medicinal or therapeutic substance, responsible substance use lies with the consumer.

Since the misuse of bitters has been linked to toxic effects, researchers conducted experiments to determine the specific toxicity of the bitters in the aloe leaf. The results of a toxicity test of a particular substance are often presented in a comparative fashion whereby the toxicity of the substance in question is compared to that of other known substances. Research (10) found that the toxic activity of bitter sap is similar to that of sodium lauryl sulphate (a detergent used to manufacture bathroom soap). The harmful effects of sodium lauryl sulphate are low as humans are continuously exposed to it. However, misuse of bathroom soap, like washing and scrubbing hands excessively and frequently, will definitely prove to be detrimental to the skin. In the
same way, misuse and dependence on bitter sap will be detrimental to the consumer's health.

A toxic overdose

In science, the word "toxic" is used as a measure of potential harmful effects that a certain compound may have. This scale may therefore range from zero to very high. However, in general language the word "toxic" has an alarming connotation to it, flashing images of bed bound suffering individuals on their last breath. For this purpose, the words "potential harmful effects" are more appropriate when referring to compounds with a scientifically tested low toxicity.
As hinted before, marketing messages use every term to their disposal to promote their product. It is therefore often found that words such as "potential harmful effects" are used that to down play negative attributes of their own products. However, when using comparative advertising strategies, the word "toxic" is used for the "potential harmful effects" of a competitor's products.

It is critical to evaluate the potential "toxic" effects of bitter sap in the light of the objectives for which they are being used. Table salt (sodium chloride), serves as an excellent comparative example. Similar to bitter sap, sodium chloride is also "toxic" when its recommended dose is exceeded. Yet, in the correct dose, table salt is vital to osmosis, electrolytic balance, flavouring foods, preserving food, et cetera. To illustrate the point of how a misleading marketing message may be constructed using the so-called toxic effects of sodium chloride, consider the following example: A fruit juice manufacturer wants a new marketing angle, so the marketing message highlights to the absence of table salt in the fruit juice product.

The marketing message further continues to use medical research to point out the adverse effects of sodium chloride. Although being a simple example, it clearly shows how inappropriately the research results were used. In the same way, research regarding bitter sap is often bent to suit the marketing message of a particular product.

Aloe Ferox products: bitter or not?

The question remains as to how much bitters are contained in Aloe Ferox products? Some products contain no bitters whatsoever. For the purpose of these products, freshly harvested leaves are peeled, washed and only the inner flesh is processed to a jelly at low temperatures to maintain the nutrient integrity. Other products, especially for specific therapeutic purposes, contain bitters. For such products, the word "bitters" either appears in the product name or the presence of "bitters" is indicated in the ingredient listing on the label. Whole-leaf products, such as the Whole-leaf Juice and the Whole-leaf Gel inevitably contain some bitters, because, as the product names suggest, the entire leaf is used in the product. However, the quantity of bitter sap within these products is extremely small, for most has been removed by repetitive washing of finely sliced aloe leaves with water (not chemicals). The amount of bitter sap is further reduced during the processing at low temperatures, as temperature treatment degrades aloin.


The aim of this report was to inform the public and not to carry specific marketing message concerning aloe-containing products. For this purpose, both the excellent qualities as well as the potential harmful effects that are associated with aloe have been described within the context of use. It is important for the consumer to note that marketing messages aim to promote a product (and rightly so!). But, this implies that the interpretation of scientific research used in marketing messages often depends much on the goals to be achieved by those who cite the research results. It is therefore imperative that a consumer is able to distinguish between a mere marketing message, wishing to convince him or her to buy a particular product, and the full truth within proper context.


1. Wang, H.; Chung, J.; Ho, C.; Wu L. & Chang, S. Aloe-emodin effects arylamin Nacetyltransferase activity in the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Planta Medica; 64; pp 176-178; 1998.
2. Sydiskis, R.J.; Owen, D.G.; Lohr, J.L.; Rosler, K-H. A; Blomster, R.N. Inactivation
of enveloped viruses by antraquinones extracted from plants. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy; 35: 12; pp 2463-2466; 1991.
3. Soeda M.; Fukiwara, M,; Otomo, M. Studies on the effect of Cape aloe for
irradiation leucopenia. Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi; Dec. 24; pp 1109- 1112; 1964.
4. Soeda, M. Studies on the anti-tumor activity in Cape Aloe. Journal of the Medical
Society of Toho University; 16; pp 365-369; 1969.
5. Kuo, P-L.; Lin, T-C.; Lin, C-C. The antiproliferative activity of aloe-emodin is
through p53-dependent and p21-dependent apoptotic pathways in human
hepatome cell lines. Life Sciences; 71. pp 1879-1892; 2002.
6. Pecere, T.; Gazallo, V.; Mucignat, C.; Parolin, C. Aloe-emodin is a type of
anticancer agent with selective activity against neuroectodermal tumors. Cancer
Research; 60. pp 2800-2804; 2000.
7. Barrantes, E.; Guinea, M. Inhibition of collagenase and matalloproteinases by
aloins and aloe gel. Life Sciences. 72; pp 843-850; 2003.
8. Nakagomi, K.; Oka, S.; Tomizuka, N.; Jamamoto, M.; Masui, T.; Nakazaw, H.
Novel biological activies of aloe components. Effects on mast-cell degranulation
and platelet aggregation. Kenkyu Hokoku – Koyo Gijutsiun Bisibutsu Kogyo; 6; 23-29. 1985.
9. Capasso, F.; Borrelli, F.; Capasso, R.; Carlo, G.; Di Izzo, A.A.; Pinto, L. Aloe and
its therapeutic use. Phytotherapy Research; 12; pp 48-50; 1998.
10. Avila, H.; Rivero, J.; Herrera, F; Fraile, G. Cytotoxicity of a low molecular weight
fraction from Aloe vera (Aloe baradensis Miller) gel. Toxicon; 35; pp 1423-1430; 1997.

Aloe Ferox Technical Report
AFTech0808a August 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


In this post I will focus on controlling blood sugar levels and diabetes. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death and is the main cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputations. It also contributes to high blood pressure and is a major risk for heart attacks and strokes.

I lost my Grandmother to Diabetes and many friends and relatives have had their lives lost or changed by this disease. I see many young people today on the verge of contracting this disease.

Although there are 2 types of diabetes, 95% of all diabetes is type 2, previously called “late onset” diabetes. The name was changed to type 2 diabetes because more and more young people became diabetic. In other words people are becoming diabetic at a younger and younger age.

Our modern lifestyle of fast food, lack of exercise and quick fix mentality is the main reason why we become diabetic. Here are some USA statistics published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC):

· Obesity increased by 57% from 1991 to 1999.
· Diabetes increased by 41% between 1990 and 1999
with a 70% increase in the age group 30 to 39.

Diabetes is on the rise and it is reaching epidemic proportions.

Fighting DIABETES!

The writing is on the wall and the statistics prove it: If we do not drastically change our eating habits we will become part of the statistics, suffering from diabetes and its health complications.

Diabetes is the most preventable disease of all chronic diseases and the secret is in controlling your blood sugar levels properly.

Blood sugar problems occur long before you are diagnosed with diabetes. In order to overcome diabetes let us first investigate why blood sugar levels are so important:

The graph shows what happens with your blood sugar after a meal. As soon as the blood sugar level starts to rise, the body starts to excrete insulin from the pancreas.

INSULIN transports the sugar into the body’s cells to be utilized as ENERGY. Thus your muscles consume the sugar as energy, which lowers the amount of sugar in the blood. This will cause you to eat again to increase your blood sugar level and the cycle repeats itself.

The body controls its blood sugar levels in a narrow range of between 4.4 and 6.6 mmol/L. However, when the blood sugar level exceeds the maximum or drops below the minimum the body responds in the following way:

1.When the blood sugar is too HIGH, insulin will store the excess energy (sugar) as FAT.
2. If the blood sugar DROPS too low your body will tell you to eat something to pick it up.

Obviously, problems occur if the body does not respond as it is supposed to.
The following 2 health problems commonly occur:

· Diabetes – high blood sugar levels
· Hypoglycemia – low blood sugar levels.

Fortunately, these conditions are EASILY treatable by changing your lifestyle and eating habits.

Your health is in YOUR hands and not in the hands of fate. Knowledge is power, act upon it and change your future!!!

SYNDROME X - Sounds cool but it isn't good.

Long before most people develop diabetes, they suffer from an imbalance in blood sugar control. This usually starts when the body becomes insulin resistant – the body is INSENSITIVE to insulin.

Insulin resistance, also called Syndrome X, has far-reaching health implications. Syndrome X is the name given to a group of symptoms that predicts the full onset of type 2 diabetes.

The main symptoms of Syndrome X include:

· obesity
· high blood pressure
· elevated cholesterol and triglycerides
· high levels of insulin/sugar in the blood.

The main job of insulin is to regulate blood sugar in the body by facilitating its entry into cells where it is utilized as energy. However, when our bodies become insulin resistant the cells do not respond to the insulin, which results in excessive insulin levels in the blood as well as elevated blood sugar levels.

This in turn leads to increased cholesterol and triglyceride (FAT) levels in the body.

How do we help our bodies to BALANCE our blood sugar levels? Eat a natural diet!!!

Our typical Western diet, which is high in sugar, refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and low in fiber, causes insulin resistance and contributes to Syndrome X.

How do we get more complex carbohydrates and fiber in our diet? You guessed it: vegetables and fruit.

Another way to balance your blood sugar level is by eating plenty of protein, especially FISH (protein does not contain any carbs thus it doesn’t affect your blood sugar).

Do this TEST to see if you suffer from Syndrome X

Excess body fat – usually around the middle but also in the face and neck

Craving for sweet food (includes junk/ refined foods) and carbonated drinks

High blood pressure

Chronic fatigue

Mental fuzziness

Bloated feeling after eating

Skin tags in the neck, groin and armpits

Dry and flaky skin, splitting nails and dull hair

Diagonal creases in the lower ear lobe

The key to preventing or reversing Syndrome X is diet and exercise. Both diet and exercise help with weight loss and prevent insulin resistance.

Because most people do not eat enough fish you need to supplement with Omega 3.

In a recent review it was demonstrated that people using high doses of Omega 3 showed the following benefits:

1. enhanced insulin sensitivity
2. lower blood sugar levels
3. elevated HDL (good) cholesterol by 7.4%
4. lower triglycerides by 21.5%
5. lower blood pressure.

Change your DIET, it will change your LIFE.

(Murray, F. 2003. Natural Supplements for Diabetes. Hampton Roads:Charlottsville.
Sirtori, C.R. & Galli, C. 2002. N-3 fatty acids and diabetics. Biomedicine & Pharmocotherapy. 56, 397-406)


When the insulin resistance problem isn’t rectified the blood sugar level remains HIGH, which subsequently results in diabetes.

Although sugar is essential for life, too much is detrimental. When blood sugar levels remain high over a prolonged period of time it damages proteins producing AGE (Advanced Glycosylation End products), which accelerate aging.

This causes the blood to become thick and blood circulation problems occur. Without sufficient blood flow your cells are starved of nutrients and oxygen causing them to DIE. The result is blindness, kidney and heart disease, nerve damage and poor wound healing.

EVERY diabetic knows s/he has to eat a healthy diet in order to control her/his blood sugar level. Why wait until you have become diabetic before changing your diet? Prevention is much better than cure!!!

Supplementing your DIET with the following nutrients is an excellent way to help you manage diabetes:

1.Whole-leaf Aloe Juice contains fiber and other vital nutrients that help to control blood sugar levels lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.
2.Body Basics contains magnesium, which is essential for sugar metabolism and insulin action. zinc, which promotes normal insulin function vitamin B6 (together with zinc), which is required for the production of insulin and vitamin B12, which helps with proper nerve function.
3.Slim & Trim balances blood sugar levels with chromium, which is essential for insulin production and blood sugar control and herbs that help to reduce food cravings and appetite, lose weight and assist with blood sugar control.
4.Omega 3 is vital since it helps to restore insulin sensitivityimprove nerve function lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels improve kidney function reduce blood pressure.

Diabetes is not a death sentence. It can be effectively controlled, but ONLY if you take responsibility for your own LIFE.

You can improve your quality of life!


On the other side of the scale there are LOW blood sugar levels (hypoglaecemia). Hypoglycemia is diagnosed when your blood sugar DROPS to abnormally low levels.

Just as your body uses insulin to lower your blood sugar level, similarly your pancreas stimulates the release of glucagon to prevent your blood sugar from dropping too far.

Glucagon stimulates the liver to release its stored energy reserves called glycogen. The liver then converts the glycogen into sugar to be utilised as energy.

Hypoglycemia typically results when your liver does not produce enough sugar in response to glucagon. Alternatively, your body produces too much insulin causing an abnormal sugar uptake by your cells resulting in LOW blood sugar levels.

LOW blood sugar levels also occur when there is a too long time period between meals or when we perform strenuous activity or even due to diabetes medication.

So, how do you SOLVE low blood sugar problems? The same way you solve diabetic problems. Avoid foods that cause your blood sugar to rise too rapidly.

Which foods? Sugar and refined foods like white bread, flour, pasta, rice and potatoes all rapidly increase your blood sugar level.

Do you suffer from LOW blood sugar problems?

Hunger and constant cravings

Headaches, dizziness and blurred vision

Unexplainable drops in energy levels

Overwhelming fatigue, especially in the afternoon

Trembling and rapid heartbeat

Mental fuzziness & difficulty concentrating

Always tired and sleepy during the day

Irritated and emotional with anger outbursts

Anxiety, sadness and depression for no apparent reason

Panic attacks


Please, don’t be misled. You don’t need SUGAR to increase your blood sugar level!!! When you eat carbohydrates like vegetables and fruit they are broken down by your digestive tract to glucose before they are absorbed into your blood.

This breakdown of vegetables to sugar ensures a SLOW RELEASE of energy into the blood, which is how we were designed.

However, if you eat lots of sugar or refined foods like white bread, flour, pasta, rice and potatoes it is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream increasing your blood sugar levels almost immediately.

Similarly, stimulants like coffee, tea and caffeinated carbonated drinks cause the adrenal gland to release adrenalin, which releases sugar into the blood.

When eating to balance your blood sugar levels, consume a diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods and stick to the following:

Protein such as meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts

Vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds

Limited amounts of fresh fruits or fresh juice

Only whole grain products or brown rice

Dairy products are limited to cheese and Bulgarian yoghurt (unsweetened)

Drink plenty of water. Herbal teas like aloe or rooibos are also allowed.

In conjunction with this diet it is imperative that you incorporate exercise. Even moderate exercise improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin. It also helps to build muscle mass, burn fat and improves weight control.

Give it a try, as a BONUS you will be more energetic and your brain will be sharper and more focused.

Blood Sugar EMOTIONS:)

Your body’s typical response to STRESS is the activation of the fight-or-flight syndrome. During this response the adrenal glands are stimulated to release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline causes the liver to dump sugar into the blood stream to ensure there is enough energy available to fight or flee.

Cortisol on the other hand interferes with the pancreas’ production of insulin and makes the body become insulin resistant.

Chronic stress can actually CAUSE you to become diabetic since your body elevates sugar levels while simultaneously reducing insulin production.

When your blood sugar drops too low it also causes a stress response. Adrenalin is released to stimulate the liver to dump sugar in the blood to normalise your blood sugar level. However, the adrenalin also causes a rapid heartbeat and anxiety.

I have seen this phenomenon manifested numerous times. When people cannot control their blood sugar level (as well as blood pressure and cholesterol level) through medication or dietary changes the KEY to regaining their health is by eliminating their TOXIC emotions.

Normally people suffering from blood sugar problems also struggle with their blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which in combination are a serious threat to your HEALTH.

Aloe Ferox Natural Health products are available at your Local Agent or on the internet, give us a try.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is Aloe Ferox?

So what is aloe ferox, anyway?

Aloe Ferox is a plant native to South Africa. It's similar to Aloe Vera, but Aloe Ferox has many times more nutritional and medicinal value than aloe vera. It is a very robust plant living in a harsh environment and growing to 2 meters tall!

Over 130 biological active compounds of the aloe ferox have so far been reported. The Aloe ferox leaf contains substances such as amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, anthraquinones, enzymes, lignin, chlorophyll, saponins, sterols and other plant chemicals with numerous medicinal activities.

Aloe Ferox, a true wonder plant

Where can I buy Aloe Ferox Products?

You can visit to find an local agent or internet distributor of this product

How do I use these products?

Each Aloe Ferox product has a list of directions for use. Ask your agent for an information sheet.

Bitter Crystals -Aloe Ferox Leaf


The human body was designed with all the mechanisms to heal itself. Aloe
ferox and many other herbs enhance the body's own mechanisms for healing!
Herbs or Medication? Herbs prove themselves to be close therapeutic
competitors of medication and are almost always safer, gentler and less likely
to cause side effects. Causalities and fatalities researched from literature,
government reports and expert databases indicate that approximately zero
(0,000%) cases are due to the use of complementary health products, whereas
5,176% are due to properly prescribed and used drugs. It seems that herbs may
even be safer than food, because 0,24% deaths are the result of food eaten!!

Herbs and Medication? Many herbs enhance the effect of a drug
when using it simultaneously, while some may counteract the effect. Consult
your doctor (preferably a herbal enlightened doctor) when you want to use
herbs along with prescribed drugs. It is possible that your dependence on the
pharmaceutical may decrease. You might be able to wean yourself off the drug
entirely or get by with smaller dosages. Adjustments to medication should be
done under supervision of a doctor. All medication has harmful side effects.
When medication is used in conjunction with herbs, they may help to counteract
the side effects.

How to use Herbs:

Follow the directions on the label. Start on a low dose and
gradually build up to establish the correct dose for your body. Everyone's
different physiologically, and some people are just more sensitive than
others. Some people will be able to take larger dosages than others and for
some people it will take longer to note a beneficial effect. Different
individuals take from it what and how much they need. Give herbs enough time
to work - at least 3 months. Symptoms of a chronic condition may temporarily
worsen as part of the detoxifying process of the body. Other detoxification
symptoms that may occur are diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, stomach,cramps &
headaches. Symptoms are of a passing nature. Give your body time to adjust.
Diarrhea, as part of the detoxification process, is only a problem if it lasts
longer than a couple of days. Drink a lot of water and lower the dosage.

Aloe Ferox

Disclaimer: Please note that our statements about the healing
properties of aloe ferox are not evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease. For your best health, in the case of recurring and
long-term illness, you should consult your doctor. You should also consult
your doctor before using herbal remedies if you have an existing health
condition, are pregnant or are planning to have a baby. No studies have been
concluded on internal use of aloe in children.