Monday, August 28, 2017

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Pain and suffering can be reduced or avaoided

In Rheumatoid Arthritis, the body's immune system attacks its own tissue, including joints. It affects joint linings, causing painful swelling. Over long periods of time, the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can cause bone erosion and joint deformity.

Rheumatism, also known as rheumatoid arthritis, is any number of diseases known to cause stiffness,

inflammation and distortion of the joints. Incessant pain, sensitivity, inflammation (swollen/

stiff/red/warm), deformation and loss of joint mobility, severe fatigue, loss of energy and weakness

can all be symptoms of arthritis.

Injury, heredity and an unhealthy lifestyle (overweight, smoking, etc.) can lead to both young

and old being prime candidates of this painful condition. There is, however, light and better

quality of life at the end of this painful tunnel: 

Try Joint Support!

The key ingredients of  Joint Support are Glucosamine, Devil’s Claw, Manganese and Copper.

These synergistic ingredients play a vital role in the metabolism of the human body.

Glucosamine aids the formation of cartilage.

Although it is naturally produced by the body, a daily supplement of glucosamine is
much needed. It helps to rebuild damaged

bone and tissue and also reduces joint pain and sensitivity. It restores and protects the
gut lining, reduces inflammation and helps to reverse autoimmune reactions.
Glucosamine prohibits intestinal, bowel and bladder irritation. Glucosamine is used with
great success in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut syndrome.
Glucosamine boosting is one of the most effective treatments for arthritic pain and
discomfort. It delays joint degeneration and

enhances joint regeneration and, at the same time, improves digestive health and
inflammation. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Chron's disease also benefit by boosting
glucosamine levels.

Devil's Claw reduces pain, inflammation and swelling of the joints. It also provides
relief for people suffering from gout because it reduces uric acid levels in the
blood. A study conducted in 2002, over an 8 week period, indicated that patients with
lower back pain and osteoarthritis of the knees and hips experienced a significant
improvement in flexibility and pain relief by using Devil's Claw.
Europeans have been using Devil's Claw to effectively treat painful arthritis, inflammation
of the tendons, loss of appetite and even dyspepsia for many years already.
Devil's Claw has a soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Bygone eras even
considered Devil’s Claw to be the digestive tonic of choice. The recommended dose of Devil's Claw is 500-1000 mg three times a day.

Manganese is a trace mineral essential to every life form. It is found mostly in
bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. The human body contains only tiny amounts of
manganese, yet, manganese provides major health benefits, such as a healthy bone
structure, bone remodelling as well as the production of essential enzymes for healthy
bone growth. A shortage of manganese leads to conditions such as high blood pressure, several heart

issues, bone deformation, high cholesterol, poor vision and hearing, forgetfulness, fatigue,
severe cramps, uncontrollable shaking and osteoporosis. It also contributes to thyroid
well being. Supplements containing manganese are essential after menopause
to maintain healthy bone density. Manganese plays a vital role in the prevention of
diseases such as diabetes by helping to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

Copper is an essential trace mineral necessary for survival. Most of the copper in the body is found in the liver, brain, heart, kidneys and skeletal muscle. Copper is essential for normal growth and general health. The anti-inflammatory action of copper makes it ideal in the treatment of arthritis. Copper benefits and protects the blood vessels in the heart as well as the nervous and skeletal system. It plays a key role in the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin, eye and hair colour. Copper also helps to produce elastin – a liquid in the skin that provides skin elasticity. It aids the absorption of iron, improves brain functions and reduces the probability of birth defects.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Your Body and how to take care of it. Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Blindness and other Chronic Diseases

The ever-increasing number of chronic diseases across the globe have become a serious concern. Dr Jeffrey N.

Gerber (MD) says statistics indicate a troubling rise in diabetes. The inherent danger is that diabetes is a serious risk factor that leads to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, blindness and a host of other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels and excess body weight. 

Since 2012, medical costs linked to diabetes and diabetes-related illnesses have increased by 41%. Diabetes is currently ranked as the #8 cause of death (worldwide). Diabetes among children has increased dramatically and diagnosed cases tripled between 2000 and 2008. It is expected that 50% of all children will be diagnosed with diabetes in the near future if this pandemic is not stopped. Even people with ideal body weight, can be diabetic yet they are less likely to be aware of it; fatty liver disease is usually linked to the condition. 

The United States Government began to subsidize wheat crop agriculture in 1973. At the same time, a certain individual, Mr Keys, promoted grain as a heart-healthy diet and fat as bad. This sounded great, however, there was no research to back it up. It sounded so great that 22 countries joined this initiative within a couple of years. 

The Keys-idea (low fat, high carbohydrate) was recognized as the new “American Standard Diet” by 1977. Some dieticians of the time warned that this was a mistake. 

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans acknowledged in 2010 (more than 30 years later) that at the time they did not specifically test the health benefits. 

The general state of health deteriorated over the past 30 years to such an extent that some doctors and dieticians describe it as a pandemic and a crime against humanity.

An American physician and cardiologist, dr. Atkins (October 17, 1930 - April 17, 2003), to his death, refused to accept the “low fat, high carbohydrate” principle.

The very popular and healthy Banting diet is based on the original Atkins diet. The Aloe Ferox booklet: , founded on the Atkins diet, is now back by popular demand. 

The pancreas secretes insulin, a very important hormone that helps digestion of carbohydrates. Insulin regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. We basically eat only two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. The body breaks down the carbohydrates into glucose (sugar). Sugar stimulates insulin secretion and increases blood sugar. Foods high in carbohydrates (especially sugars and refined foods) will rapidly increase severe insulin secretion, causing glucose to be absorbed too quickly into the bloodstream (hyperglycemia).

Insulin then stores the increased blood sugar in the liver resulting in a sharp blood sugar decrease (hypoglycemia). Low blood sugar triggers hunger/crave to replenish blood sugar—and so the vicious cycle repeats. The amount of stress placed on the body is always in direct relation to the amount of sugar and refined foods eaten. 

This vicious cycle can lead to insulin resistance, which is body cells that have trouble absorbing the available glucose, causing elevated blood glucose levels and a deceptive insulin deficiency (There actually is no deficiency). This deceptive insulin deficiency or resistance causes diabetes; body cells are just not able to efficiently absorb the much needed and readily available glucose. The body then inter-prets blood sugar levels as low—while in fact the opposite is true. You remain hungry/craving and keep on eating because the available glucose is not absorbed into the body cells where it is needed. This mistaken surplus of glucose is then stored in the liver and muscles and converted to fat.

Vitamin C helps to combat the development of diabetes by regulating glucose levels in the blood. 

Vitamin C improves the absorption of glucose into the body cells, providing protection against the complications of diabetes. 

Sugar addiction is just as much a reality as drug addiction. Sugar withdrawal symptoms can include high blood pressure, anger, the shakes and even depression. Artificial sweeteners unfortunately do not remedy the issue, however, it may detriment the situation even further.

Stevia is a plant derived artificial sweetener. Up to 25% of diabetes can be attributed to fizzy drinks. Studies have shown that babies are born favoring sweet foodstuffs due to the mother's diet. 
The Leptin hormone tells us when we’ve eaten enough. An excessive intake of carbohydrates can adversely affect the leptin hormone causing failure to reach satiety. Spiking blood sugar levels encourage the vicious eat  blood sugar spike  cravings  eat some more; cycle. Eating enough proteins and complex carbohydrates can successfully break this eating pattern and help prevent dementia / Alzheimer’s, diabetes and diabetes-related diseases. 

Complex carbohydrates, proteins and especially healthy fats help you to put the fork down sooner and keep you satisfied for longer. A fibre rich diet (21-30 grams per day) aids the body to dispose of more toxins and waste, thus preventing it being stored as fat. Fibre also makes you feel full sooner and greatly benefits effective appetite control. Remember to drink lots of water when taking Aloe Ferox supplements due to the high fibre content.