Friday, November 27, 2009

Cholestrol and Heart Disease

It is true, increased blood pressure and high cholesterol have been linked to heart disease. Fortunately, both of these problems respond very well to changes in our eating habits and supplementing with nutrients.

Cholesterol is NOT the main culprit. However, our lifestyle (diet) is definitely a cause for concern.

It is possible to lower cholesterol levels naturally (HINT: you don’t need any medication).

Since stress aggravates ALL health problems, these bumper stickers will hopefully lower your blood pressure and cholesterol:

· I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

· I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me.

· I failed my urine test.

· I took an IQ test and the results were negative.

· I used to have an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.

· I don’t suffer from stress. I am a carrier.

“Brain cells create ideas. Stress kills brain cells. Stress is not a good idea.”

- Frederick Saunder

With all the bad publicity that cholesterol is getting, most people avoid cholesterol like the plague, trying to eat less cholesterol by avoiding meat and eating low-fat food.

Unfortunately, what most people don’t realise, is that our liver produces 70% of our body’s cholesterol requirements. As soon as you consume less cholesterol the liver compensates for the deficiency – and with very good reason.

Cholesterol serves many important functions in the body including the manufacture of all our hormones and uses cholesterol to manufacture vitamin D. It is also essential to waterproof cell membranes. If the cell wall contains too much poly-unsaturated fat the membrane is too fluid and the body inserts cholesterol into the membrane to stiffen it.

Cholesterol is transported through our bodies by lipoproteins. The most prominent is the low-density lipoprotein (LDL, the “bad” cholesterol), which carries cholesterol and fats (triglycerides – TG) from our food and liver to our cells. The high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the “good” cholesterol), on the other hand, carries cholesterol back from our cells to the liver where it is Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000190 EndHTML:0000008424 StartFragment:0000003517 EndFragment:0000008388 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/gene/Desktop/07-1%20Newsletter%20(Cholesterol).doc

changed to bile and excreted into the digestive tract and eventually discarded with our stool.

Therefore, the LDL to HDL ratio is very important since it determines if cholesterol is being deposited in our cells or transported to the liver to be broken down and excreted.

The following are the recommended levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides:

· Total cholesterol – less than 5.2 mmol/L

· LDL cholesterol – less than 3.4 mmol/L

· HDL cholesterol – higher than 1 mmol/L

· Triglycerides – less than 1.3 mmol/L

· LDL:HDL ratio – less than 4.5

· TG:HDL ratio – less than 3.5

The AIM is to lower the LDL cholesterol while simultaneously increasing the HDL cholesterol, which is easier than you think!!! Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000190 EndHTML:0000008293 StartFragment:0000004108 EndFragment:0000008257 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/gene/Desktop/07-1%20Newsletter%20(Cholesterol).doc

Conventional wisdom says that cholesterol is the sole reason for heart disease. The shocking reality is that only 50% of people with high cholesterol die of a heart attack. The reason: cholesterol is NOT the only guilty party.

The STEPS to heart disease are as follows:

1. Injury/damage to inner lining of artery causing the artery to LEAK.

2. Cholesterol subsequently penetrates into the damaged artery causing it to stiffen thus preventing further damage to the artery.

3. Free radicals oxidise the cholesterol, which activates the immune system.

4. Immune cells (macrophages) invade the area to digest the oxidised cholesterol becoming “foam cells” causing chronic inflammation.

5. Repair: the body utilises blood clotting mechanisms to prevent any excessive blood loss and collagen to create a hardened plaque build-up, which stiffens the artery.

Research has found that cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease, but OXIDISED cholesterol does.

What oxidises cholesterol? Free radicals!!!

FREE RADICALS like homocysteine, hydrogenated vegetable oils, radiation and cigarette smoke are “toxic compounds” that cause damage to the inner lining of our arteries and oxidise cholesterol.

When we are deficient in anti-oxidants we are prone to develop heart disease. ANTI-OXIDANTS are the only compounds that can neutralise the damaging effects of free radicals.

The most important anti-oxidants are the following:

A. Vitamin E

· is fat-soluble and is thus incorporated into cholesterol to protect it from free radical oxidation.

B. Vitamin C

· is water-soluble and helps to regenerate oxidised vitamin E thus boosting its
anti-oxidant effect.

· prevents the damage to the inner lining of the arteries and is an important component in the manufacture of collagen, a constituent
in our arteries.

C. Beta-carotene

· is very effective in neutralising free radicals.

These will effectively prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and damage to the arteries. However, in order to facilitate the removal of the free radical HOMOCYSTEINE we need the following nutrients:

D. Folic acid, vitamin B2, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium and choline

· These nutrients work in combination to help the body rid itself of homocysteine.

· Fortunately, Body Basics contains all the essential nutrients to help your body remove HOMOCYSTEINE.

We need to change our eating habits to ensure that we get sufficient anti-oxidants. Vitamin E, C and beta-carotene as well as all the other homocysteine neutralising nutrients are found in abundance in a natural diet, rich in wholegrain, vegetables and fruit.

Similarly, a diet with lots of whole, natural food also contains a lot of fibre. The fibre is essential since the cholesterol binds to it and is excreted with the stool, preventing it from being reabsorbed by the body.

This is the problem with our modern lifestyle. Most people eat a refined diet stripped of its healing and protective nutrients and therefore suffer the preventable consequences.

Although heart disease is the biggest killer it also responds very quickly to improvements in nutrition and changes in lifestyle.

We have been brainwashed into believing that FAT is the main culprit that causes cholesterol problems. Subsequently, people eat lots of low-fat food that is supposed to solve our cholesterol and heart disease problems.

If that were true, why are more people sick and dying from heart disease than ever before? Why do the Eskimos, whose diet is mainly meat, fat and cholesterol, have little heart disease?

Simple: dietary fat isn’t the problem, but SUGAR and refined foods are the cause of the heart disease epidemic.

When we eat low-fat foods, the fat is usually replaced with lots of sugar. Since these sugars contain more calories than we require for energy, the remainder is converted into cholesterol and especially FAT (triglycerides).

It just happens to be that triglyceride (FAT) levels are just as good a predictor of heart disease as cholesterol levels. In other words, throw out the refined/processed food and sweets.

So, how do you LOWER your cholesterol naturally?

1. Whole-leaf Aloe Juice is an excellent source of

· fibre that helps to excrete the cholesterol through the stool

· vital nutrients such as magnesium.

2. Body Basics contains

· magnesium that is essential for the correct functioning of the enzyme that regulates cholesterol production in the liver. Any deficiency will result in the liver’s inability to switch off cholesterol production.

· choline, which lowers cholesterol levels by increasing its solubility thus improving its removal from the body.

2. Omega 3 is vital since it helps to

· lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels

· raise the HDL (good) cholesterol level

· prevent blood clotting

· reduce inflammation.

In conjunction it would be advisable to consider the following:

Vitamin B3 and B5 play an important role in the metabolism of cholesterol and fat.

· They effectively lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides (FAT) while simultaneously increasing
HDL (good) cholesterol level.

· They improve the HDL:LDL ratio.

I have used these supplements with great success. No need for all those toxic cholesterol medication with its nasty side effects.

Control your ANGER! and control your blood pressure and cholestrol.

It is fascinating to know how much impact our emotions have on our bodies. New research has demonstrated that high levels of anger as well as frustration and irritability are better predictors of heart disease risk than high cholesterol, smoking or excess weight.

These emotions activate our fight-flight (STRESS) response, which causes our bodies to produce more cholesterol since it is the building block of the stress hormone cortisol.

Add this to the rise in blood pressure and you significantly increase your RISK for a heart attack.

This article was originally published in the Aloe Ferox Newsletter by Ronnie Ambachtsheer( BSc) and published here with his permission.

(Erasmus, U. 1993. Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill. Alive Books:Burnaby

Murray, M.T. 1996. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Three River Press:New York)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Allergy what causes them and how to fight them.

If you read the newspapers or listen to radio you should know that chronic diseases are on the rise. While Asthma is the number 6 on the chronic disease list, it is the number 1 chronic health condition for children!

As many as 1 out of 3 people are allergic to pollen, dust, animal hair, etc or sensitive to synthetic compounds in our food, clothes or the air. This is not surprising considering that our bodies are constantly challenged by nearly 50,000 synthetic compounds daily. Compounds such as pesticides, food additives, industrial and household cleaners , medicines, and exhaust fumes from our cars, trucks and buses.

Fortunately if we understand allergies we can help to reduce or alleviate the symptoms or even eliminate them.

Allergies- Why do we get allergies?

An allergy is an abnormal sensitivity or reaction of the immune system in our bodies to a substance that you eat, inhale or touch. Although everybody is exposed to allergens only susceptible people tend to experience a reaction.

These susceptible individuals have an overactive immune system that will overreact to these allergens by producing antibodies. These antibodies attach to the allergen that then bind to special cells of the immune system, which release histamine.

It the Histamine that increases the blood vessel permeability which results in the swelling of the affected area causing inflammation. It is this excessive release of histamine by the overactive immune system that produces allergic symptoms that are experienced with:
  • Asthma: excessive mucus is produced and histamine contracts the muscles surrounding the airways, restricting air flow thus causing shortness of breath.
  • Eczema: characterised by redness, skin swelling and itching resulting in dryness, flaking, cracking, blistering and even bleeding of the skin.
  • Food Allergies: mainly caused by partially digested food that enters the body and triggers the immune system to produce antibodies. These antibodies don't always have an immediate reaction, but tend to show after a few hours or days. Celiac disease or Wheat Gluten intolerance are food allergies.
  • Hay Fever: expresses itself as a stuffy or runny nose, sinus headaches, itchy and watery eyes, repeated sneezing or coughing
  • Hives: an intensely itchy rash of red bumps.
  • Insect bites or Bee stings: excessive swelling of the specific area
In severe cases such as allergies to shellfish, peanuts or medicine like penicillin, so much histamine is released that the face or throat swells and can cause anaphylactic shock due to a sudden drop in blood pressure and the restriction of airways which can cause death.

How do we manage Allergies?

Well, it would be great if you could avoid whatever causes an allergic reaction, but sometimes that is not possible. So you could get rid of your pets, you could use products without fragrances, you can use gloves when using cleaning products, you could stop eating the food that causes you the distress and you could move to the desert to avoid pollen.

Okay, but only a few of us really want to live in the desert but some people have to because they have become allergic to everything, this is better described as environmental illness.

It is difficult to avoid allergens in the air as you breath, or what you touch, but you can control what you eat! The most common allergy causing foods are:
  • Cow's Milk also cheese and yogurt. It is actually the milk protein casein that causes the allergic reaction
  • Gluten, the sticky protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats that irritates the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause skin allergies as well as serious intestinal and blood sugar problems
  • Yeast found not only in bread, but also in beer which is fermented with brewers yeast, and to a lesser extent wine.
  • Alcohol, which irritates the digestive tract making it more permeable to digested food proteins.
  • other typical allergens such as nuts, coffee, tea, shellfish and chemical food additives
The Key characteristic of all these allergic conditions is that the skin, bronchial tubes or gastrointestinal tract have become porous. which allows allergens to enter the body and trigger an excessive immune response by the already overactive immune system.

Okay, so now that we touched on the the causes of the allergic reaction, what can we do to reduce the allergic response potential?

It is important to heal your body's barriers and restore your digestive system and protect your lungs.

Managing and alleviating allergies is achieved by taking these steps:

Eat a diet high in Complex carbohydrates with plenty of vegetables and fruit for all it's vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients and fiber. Eating properly is essential in overcoming allergies!
  • Eliminate Simple carbohydrates like sugar, junk food, refined carbohydrates ans stimulants (caffeine) from your diet. No more coffee shops for that espresso boost!
  • Eat Lean meat and fish. A high protein diet balanced with natural whole foods provides all the required nutrition for optimal health.
  • Avoid hydrogenated oils. Use olive oil instead.
Supplement your diet:
  1. Whole-leaf Aloe Juice - is vital to help restore the digestive system and protect the body from potential allergens. It also calms the overactive immune system by modulating its response.
  2. Omega 3 - is critical to reduce excessive inflammation caused by an overactive immune system. It also helps heal the digestive system.
  3. Body Basics replaces the necessary minerals and vitamins that allergy sufferers are typically deficient in.
  • Zinc is essential to allow the immune system to function optimally. It is also required for the production of stomach acid and protein digesting enzymes.
  • Magnesium helps the airways to relax thus improving breathing difficulties
  • Vitamin B6 works in conjunction with zinc and magnesium.
  • Vitamin C is essential to restore the digestive system since it is the main building block of every cell. Vitamin C is also an important anti-oxidant that is vital to protect the lungs ans relieves bronchial spasms
Alleviating Eczema

As you probably know by now that your skin is the largest organ of the body. Your skin is the barrier that protects your body from bacteria, chemicals and radiation while insuring the body has a stable temperature by preventing the loss of body fluids and chemicals.

Your skin is impervious because your skin cells are held tightly together, just imagine if you took a bath and you just leaked out! However when you suffer from eczema these cells loosen causing the skin to become porous.

This allows soap and solvents to penetrate the skin and dissolve some of the natural oils and protein that forms part of the natural barrier, resulting in loss of the body fluid. These compounds cause an already overactive immune system to trigger an abnormal immune response and causing inflammation. The condition is aggravated when the area is scratched or rubbed and can become infected. Besides the previous products mentioned you can try the following products:

  • Liquid Body Wash Bitter - wash the affected areas to clean and disinfect the skin
  • Whole Leaf Gel - apply to the eczema to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.
  • X-Balm - a specially formulated product to improve the functioning of the immune system and assist in the healing process.

These products are not known to cause or aggravate any allergic reaction.

I hope this information helps to educate you about your Allergies and how to reduce or alleviate the reactions to allergens.

If you wish to distribute our product in your store or purchase our products at a retailer. Here is a link to Aloe Ferox Products if you wish to purchase any of our products.

Aloe Ferox US

Be healthy and safe.


* this article was written with information provided by Ronnie Ambachtsheer (BSc,dip Clinical Nutrition) of Aloe Ferox Africa

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hormones and You

Greetings, We are going to give you some insight into Hormones and how they affect everything we do.

You probably wouldn’t have guessed it but the hormonal control center is in the BRAIN. You also could have thought that the size of your organs determine your femininity or masculinity. Wrong again!!!

The Conductor that orchestrates your hormonal balance is nothing bigger than a pea and situated in the brain.

The pituitary gland and in conjunction with the hypothalamus gland it controls vital body functions by excreting the following hormones:

1. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) controls the absorption of water by the kidneys

2. Oxytocin is the “cuddle” hormone responsible for the release of mother’s milk and uterus contraction after childbirth

3. Prolactin stimulates milk production

4. Growth Hormone (GH) regulates body and bone growth, improves muscle strength and increases protein synthesis, fat usage and carbohydrate storage

5. Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal gland to release the stress hormones cortisol

6. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates female or male organs:

• Female: stimulates growth of eggs and produces estrogen
• Male: stimulates growth of sperm

7. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) stimulates female or male organs:

• Female: stimulates release of eggs and produces progesterone
• Male: stimulates release of testosterone

8. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) regulates the thyroid gland

9. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers.

All these hormones stimulate the relevant glands and organs to secrete specific hormones that are essential for our functioning namely:

A. Adrenal gland:
• Adrenalin causes the heart rate, blood sugar and blood pressure to increase
• Noradrenalin raises blood pressure
• Cortisol mobilises our stress response
• Aldosterone regulates sodium and mineral balance through the kidneys to control blood pressure
• DHEA is the main building block for the manufacture of estrogen and testosterone
• Small amounts of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone

B. Thyroid & parathyroid gland:
• Thyroxine regulates our metabolism
• Calcitonin lowers blood calcium levels and builds bone strength
• Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) increases the calcium and phosphate in the blood and bones

C. Thymus gland:
• Thymosins promotes the development of t-lymphocytes for the immune system

D. Kidney:
• Renin regulates the blood pressure

E. Pancreas:
• Insulin enables cells to take up glucose
• Glucagon stimulates the body to convert stored energy (glycogen) to glucose

F. Uterus:
• Produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone

G. Testes:
• Produces testosterone.

This is by no means a complete list but is only limited to more well known glands and organs. As can be seen the inner working of our bodies is very complex and there is a lot that can go wrong.
All these hormones work automatically. No need to worry about it. When everything works as designed you don’t even know about them.

However, when something does go wrong you will know about it because a hormonal imbalance has all kinds of nasty side effects.

Therefore, let’s investigate what happens when there is a HORMONAL IMBALANCE.
(ZRT Laboratories 2006. Hormones 101.
Univ. South Carolina: Lecture Notes: Chemical Signals & The Endocrine System.


Since your hormones affect every aspect of your body it is essential to keep them in balance for your optimal health and well-being.
The most common hormonal imbalance is between estrogen and progesterone. The reason being that progesterone is the “mother” hormone used to manufacture all the other hormones.

Thus when there is INSUFFICIENT progesterone it causes an excess of estrogen. This results in unpleasant side effects such as PMS, hot flashes, mood swings, depression and other menopausal symptoms.

Estrogen that is NOT balanced with progesterone is extremely detrimental to your health. Since the role of estrogen is to make cells grow it has been implicated in breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, osteoporosis, etc.

High estrogen levels also affect men because some testosterone is converted to estrogen and DHT, which stimulates the prostate to grow.

When there is too much estrogen it also interferes with your thyroid hormone thyroxine. If thyroxine can’t work properly your metabolism slows down and you gain weight. You also typically retain water.

At the same time the calcitonin from the thyroid gland works in combination with the parathyroid hormones (PTH) to balance calcium in the blood. The PTH stimulates the bones to release calcium while calcitonin puts calcium back in the bones. A hormonal imbalance will cause a calcium imbalance resulting in osteoporosis and/or arthritis.

Since the STRESS hormone cortisol is also made from progesterone there is a big drain on progesterone when you are stressed. Cortisol is needed to allow thyroxine, which regulates your metabolism, and insulin, which manages your energy utilization, to function properly. However, too much cortisol and your metabolism slow down and you can become insulin resistant.

Although stress is inevitable it is CHRONIC stress that is extremely detrimental for your health since cortisol is the main hormonal disruptor and the main reason for hormonal imbalance.
(Holford, P. 2004. Optimum Nutrition Bible. Piatkus:London)


Excess cortisol (STRESS) is the single biggest cause of hormonal imbalance, however, it is not the only reason.
We are also exposed to a number of synthetic compounds that are estrogen MIMICS. These compounds mimic the role of natural estrogen disrupting the body’s biochemistry and changing sexual and reproductive functioning. It also increases the risk of cancer rates.

What synthetic estrogens?
• Estrogens in hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
• Compounds such as bisphenol A and phthalates present in soft plastic bottles, plastic bags, cling wrap, etc.
• Pesticides and industrial compounds.

Another problem is that these hormones are finding its way into the food chain as well as our drinking water!!! The estrogens in HRT end up in our drinking water while most of the beef we eat comes from feedlots where cattle are injected with estrogen to make them grow faster.

Thus, how do you avoid your exposure to these hormone disruptors?
1. Eat vegetables and fruit that have been thoroughly washed to reduce your exposure to pesticides.
2. Drink filtered water to remove any potential hormone disruptors.
3. Remove soft plastics as soon as possible especially cling wrap. Don’t heat food in plastic, these chemicals that keep plastics flexible get absorbed by fats in the food.
4. Avoid HRT thereby reducing your exposure to synthetic estrogen.

Since the incidence of CANCER is on the rise and is fast becoming the no. 1 killer it makes perfect sense to reduce your exposure to these risk factors.
(Holford, P. 1998. 100% Health. Piatkus:London)


Yes, it is possible to normalise your hormone levels by making some changes to your LIFESTYLE and it is reasonably easy.
If you want to restore any normality to your life and recover your health it is VITAL that you take the effort to make some changes.

Changing your choices will greatly enhance your hormonal balance, starting with the following:

1. STRESS LESS with Get-a-Grip because stress disrupts every hormone function in your body. Anything that triggers your fight-or-flight reaction can be defined as stress and can be grouped as follows:

• Physical stress is when real danger such as a lion, hijacker, criminal, etc. confronts you. Other physical stresses are noise, too hot or too cold temperatures, too much exercise, too little sleep, etc.
• Emotional stress such as anger, guilt, traumatic experiences, unresolved conflict or perceived danger causing anxiety and worry that activate your fight-or-flight response. These emotions are exceptionally stressful as they usually last over long periods of time.

• Reduce your consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates and stimulants (caffeine) as it results in the release of the stress hormone cortisol.
• Balance your blood sugar levels with Slim & Trim since too much insulin disturbs the balance of the sex hormones and increases body fat, which has the capacity to manufacture estrogen that compounds the problem.
• Decrease your intake of meat and dairy products as they contain a lot of synthetic estrogens, especially in the fat.
• Consume more fish or Omega 3 since it helps the body cope with stress better and subsequently balances hormone levels.
• Supplement with Body Basics as it contains the essential vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc that is required to ensure hormonal balance.

I challenge you to implement these simple changes to restore your emotional health and hormonal balance.


As already mentioned, STRESS is the single biggest reason why our hormones become unbalanced.

Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to eliminate stress from our lives. In our modern society we experience the pressures of
• a difficult boss
• being stuck in traffic
• job insecurity or dead lines
• financial pressure of bills to be paid
• time shortage to balance the requirements of work, play, sleep and family time.

However, these stresses are not the most detrimental. The following are some of the emotions that actually disrupt our hormones the most:
• guilt
• regret
• shame
• jealousy
• resentment
• bitterness
• anger
• worry.

The most important thing to remember is that you cannot control everything, take time to relax, play with your children or a pet, go for a walk. Take up a hobby, exercise or find a Church or Community group to help you reduce your stress. And above all try to eat healthy and be happy

All the products mentioned above are available at, there you can find a list of distributors that will gladly supply you with Aloe Ferox products.

We would like to thank Ronnie Ambachtsheer of Aloe Ferox Africa for all the great information provided to help create this article.

Our featured store this blog is Mary Bianca Wellness.

Founded in 2005 to promote a Healthy lifestyle by Gene Rizzardi, Mary Bianca Wellness is an exclusive dealer of Aloe Ferox products. We stock over 97 Aloe Ferox products which range from Supplements and Skincare to Pet Care.

The name Mary Bianca comes from two very important people in Gene's life who found many uses for Aloe and promoted good health practices. To further that goal, we feel that our prices should remain affordable to every budget.

Our Aloe Ferox leaves are free range harvested - no chemicals, pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.
a Natural Health Product

Aloe Ferox -The Lily of the Desert , has over 130 medicinally active compounds that have been harvested to bring natural health and wellness to you! Aloe Ferox is 22 times more potent than Aloe Vera!
Over the ages native tribes of South Africa have used Aloe Ferox in relieving ailments and general well being . The Amazing rejuevenating powers of the Aloe Ferox plant were also noted by the explorers of this mysterious virgin paradise. The medicinal qualities of aloe have been noted since ancient times. Why not experience it for yourself! Aloe ferox has been proclaimed as a "Pharmacy in a single plant"! Aloe juices and bitter crystals have: • anti-aging properties • reduce the risk of heart disease • improve blood circulation • cleanse the digestive system • aid in detoxification of the body. • improve the immune system • promote well being Aloe Gels are: • anti-inflammatory analgesic aid in skin rejuvenation

We are an eStore so you can order from the convenience of your home... 24/7 - 365 days a year. Our store has a secure server so there are no worries with ordering online.

Please visit us at

We usually ship within 2 business days via first class or priority mail so you get your products delivered to your door quickly.

Have A Great Day!



Monday, March 9, 2009

Out of Africa

I just got back from an amazing trip to South Africa! It was a great adventure and I got to see many sights. The mission of this journey was to see this magnificent aloe plant and how it is processed into various products.

The journey took place in Cape Town, SA after a nights rest we made a quick trip to Table Mountain. Unfortunately the top of the mountain was in fog so it the views were limited but it was still awesome, once we got off the mountain from this cool cable car trip, we headed to the port for a trip to Robben Island.

This is the Island that Nelson Mandela spent a good part of his adult life as a political prisoner. This was a valuable history lesson and I was amazed that our tour guide was actually held there for 10 years. The one message that he gave us was that this was the past and everyone should be working towards a new future where people understand each other and eliminate conflict and work toward the common good. This is a good message and I hope that we all try to follow this guys idea. I found this attitude repeating itself with many people in South Africa so I believe this is catching on.

The trip continued later in the day in a four hour car ride to Mossel Bay to stay with my hosts. I was amazed by the beautiful scenery and the towering mountains. And the Ostriches that seem to be everywhere! It seems that Ostrich farming is big business in South Africa. The rolling landscape was covered with various crops from corn to wheat or hosting grazing sheep or cattle before the fields are replanted in the spring.

We arrived after dark in Mossel Bay, and after meeting the family I headed off to bed, I had been flying for 21.5 hours and my wings were tired! After a good nights sleep and a fantastic breakfast we were on our way to meet the fine people who own Aloe Ferox Africa. A 30 minute ride west to Albertinia, and the Aloe Farm/factory through the rolling hills. After a short introduction we were back in the car and headed for the Aloe fields.

Aloe ferox is indigenous to South Africa and grows in the wild, since the farmers have cleared most of the land the plants live in the ravines which gives them an ideal habitat.
As you can see in this picture to the right a worker is harvesting the aloe leaves for processing. She will stack these in a ring and let the bitter sap drain from each leave, then the leaves go to the
factory to be processed into gels, skin care products, supplements and juices or teas.

About six to seven lower leaves of the plants are harvested only once in two years so this is very substainable growth and does not harm the plant. Since they grown in the wild and are free range harvested there are no chemicals or fertilizers or herbicides used in the growing of this plant.

This picture shows the stack of Aloe leaves draining their bitter sap. The collected sap is cooked down to a crystalline form that is added to some of the Aloe Ferox products.

In my next installment I will show you a bit more about this amazing Aloe and the rest of my South African adventure.

Have a Blessed day


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