Saturday, June 2, 2012

Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals and their uses

Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals and their Beneficial effects

 Why Should you consider using Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals or Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre Bitters?

In order to ensure detoxification it is essential to prevent constipation and assist the liver to
prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body that can result in diseases.

The Aloe Ferox bitter as detoxifier is effective to:
• prevent constipation
• assist the liver to eliminate toxins

Additionally bitter is:

• potent antibacterial and antiviral agent effective for:
• peptic ulcers,
• urinary infection and gastroenteritis,
• herpes and influenza virus
• liver protective and is used prevent cancers.


Our bodies are continuously exposed to toxins. They are in food, water and the environment
and gets absorbed into the blood stream. These toxins are removed from the blood stream
by the liver and are eliminated via the gastro-intestinal tract.

Since the liver dumps wastes into the intestines it is essential to prevent constipation.

Keeping the bowels clean and moving is a major step in regaining our health since the
bowels are crucial in the elimination of toxins. When the bowels slow down, toxins are NOT
eliminated and are reabsorbed and carried back to the liver for recycling and elimination
thus toxin levels increase.

If these toxins persist in the liver and gastrointestinal tract they can cause irritation and
inflammation making you more susceptible to disease and infection. Common toxicity
symptoms are fatigue, headache, elevated cholesterol, lower back pains, allergies and

Detoxification will restore proper functioning of the organs, cell membrane integrity and
control inflammatory responses. Effective for autoimmune and skin diseases and help
resolve mental disorders and depression.


Aloe ferox is well known for its medicinal properties. The bitter leaf juice is best known for
its use as a laxative.

Digestive system;

The active constituent in the bitter is the anthrones. They are degraded in the colon by
bacteria to aloe-emodin, which function as a stimulant laxative (Blumenthal 1998). The
cathartic and laxative effect of aloe bitter is caused by its influence on the motility of the

Resulting in:
• accelerated intestinal passage of feaces and toxins
• increased water content in the faeces making the stool softer.
In addition to its purgative effect the bitter substance the scientific literature documents
various medical applications.

The aloe-emodin in bitter has been shown to inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, which is responsible for peptic ulcers (Wang 1998). Similarly, the bitter is antibacterial thus preventing gastroenteritis and urinary tract infection (Reynolds 1999).

Aloe bitter was also found to be virucidal by disrupting the coating of the herpes and influenza virus (Sydiskis 1991).

The benefit of aloe-emodin on the liver has also been documented. In diabetics the liver
detoxification function is impaired resulting in liver damage. Can (2004) showed that the
bitter had a protective effect on liver injury preventing tissue damage. Additionally, it
lowered blood sugar levels by 34%, which is beneficial for insulin control.
Chung (1996) demonstrated the liver protection effect of aloe-emodin by increasing the
alcohol elimination and the disappearance of alcohol from the body by 45% and 50%,

Anti-cancer activity
Kuo (2002) has demonstrated that aloe-emodin induced cancer cell disintegration and acted
as an effective anticancer effect in human liver cancer. Similarly, Pecere (2000) found that
aloe-emodin did not inhibit fibroblast proliferation while selectively inhibiting human
neuroectodermal tumour cells. Aloe-emodin has also been shown to inhibit leukemia by
inducing cell disintegration (Chen 2004).
It is clinically proven that the use of anthranoid laxatives, even in the long term, does not
cause cancer (Nusko 2000).

In large dosages the aloe bitters can cause severe diarrhea and intestinal cramping.
Chronic use can lead to potassium loss, may reduce absorption of drugs due to decreased
bowel transit time and may cause intestinal dependence on laxatives.
Aloe bitters is not recommended for people with intestinal obstruction, intestinal
inflammation, appendicitis and abdominal pain of unknown origin.

BLUMENTHAL, M., BUSSE, W.R., GOLDBERG, A., HALL, T. et al. 1998. German Commission
E Monographs. Austin:American Botanical Council and Integrative Medicine Communications.
CAN, A., AKEV, N., OZSOV, N., BOLKENT, S., ARDA, B.P., et al. 2004. Effect of Aloe vera leaf
gel and pulp extract on the liver in type II diabetic rat models. Biol. Pharm. Bull. vol.27. no.5. p
CHUNG, J-H, CHEONG, J-C, LEE, J-Y, ROH, H-K & CHA, Y-N. 1996. Acceleration of the
alcohol oxidation with aloin, a quinine derivative of aloe. Biochemical Pharmacology. vol.52. p
KUO, P-L, LIN, T-C. & LIN, C-C. 2002. The antiproliferative activity of aloe-emodin is through
p53-dependent and p21-dependent apoptotic pathways in human hepatome cell lines. Life
Sciences. vol.71. p 1879-1892.
laxative use is not a risk factor for colorectal neoplasia: results of a prospective case control
study. Gut. vol.46. no.5. p 651-655.
PECERE, T., GAZZALO, V., MUCIGNAT, C., PAROLIN, C., et al. 2000. Aloe-emodin is a type of
anticancer agent with selective activity against neuroectodermal tumors. Cancer Research.
vol.60. p 2800-2804.
REYNOLDS, T. & DWECK, A.C. 1999. Aloe vera leaf gel: a review update. J. of
Ethnopharmacology. vol.68. p 3-37.
Inactivation of enveloped viruses by anthraquinones extracted from plants. Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy. vol.35. no.12. p 2463-2466.
WANG, H., CHUNG, J., HO, C., WU, L. & CHANG, S. 1998. Aloe-emodin effects arylamin Nacetyltransferase
activity in the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Planta Medica

How Much Aloe is there in Aloe Ferox Skin Care products?

How much aloe is there in the Aloe Ferox skin care products?

Sometimes one sees a skin product that claims to “contain 80% aloe”. It surely sounds
amazing, don’t you think? But is it possible? Advertisements that make these kinds of
assertions are phrased in such a manner to allow for different interpretations, hoping
that the prospective buyer will make the “best” assumption from the clever words.

Take note of the different meanings of the phrase “contains 80% aloe”:

1. 80% of the total composition of the particular skin product consists of raw aloe
while other ingredients accumulate to only 20% of the total composition (this is usually what the advertisement would want one to believe).

But it may also mean:

2. The skin product contains some aloe extracts, and the composition of the extract is 80% raw aloe and 20% other ingredients like solvents (this is usually the correct interpretation!).

Two technical problems exist for topical application of skin products containing plant materials, namely
(1) by their very nature, plant materials degrade (rot) to reunite with their natural environment;

(2) plant materials are ordinarily not skin-friendly – their natural moisture is either sticky, oily, has a strong fragrance, makes the skin itch, or simply irritates the skin. Using a high concentration of these materials in a cosmetic product requires strong preservation to preclude rotting.

Furthermore, skin unsuitability/incompatibility of the final product is commonly directly related to the concentration (%) of plant materials in the product.

However, the phrase “contains 80% aloe” creates the impression that a product of which the final composition contains 80% plant material is more effective than a product of which the final concentration contains 10% aloe. 

This is pure nonsense and preys on the ignorance of consumers.

Scientists working on bio-active materials always specify TWO limits for effectiveness. The first is the lowest concentration required to impart skin benefits. In some cases, this lowest concentration is as low as 0.1%. The upper limit indicates the maximum concentration of the material that will have maximum benefits. Beyond this maximum, there is no additional skin improvement irrespective of the excess. In fact, above the upper limit, the plant may potentially become a skin irritant or be toxic.

Aloe Ferox has done many tests to estimate the maximum aloe concentration in a skin product. The minimum beneficial concentration is approximately 1.5% for water-soluble and 0.5% for oil-soluble aloe extracts. Above 10% water-soluble aloe extract, the final product becomes sticky and will probably create a coating on the skin that looks like dandruff as it peels off during the day. Above 2% oil-based aloe extracts, the final product becomes very oily. The aloe concentrations of Aloe Ferox cosmetic creams, as well as the concentration of Super Aloe Gel are within the limits discussed above. Whole-leaf Gel contains 10-20% aloe extracts, which is still perfectly safe, but which explains why the product is stickier than the other products. The aloe extracts used at Aloe Ferox contain 95 - 100%

What does it mean if a product is pH balanced?

The pH of a substance is a scale to measure the acidity or alkalinity of the substance. The scale is like
a short ruler. It has only 14 units with 7 being the middle, hence being neutral. Below pH 7, a
substance is considered acidic and above 7, a substance is considered alkaline (soapy). The farther
the measurement from 7, the stronger the acidity or alkalinity. The pH value of human skin is
between 4.5 and 6.5. All manufacturers of personal care products should measure the pH of the final
product and adjust (balance) the pH if it falls outside skin pH levels, otherwise the product is likely to irritate the skin.

Usually, the pH of a product falls very slightly for some time after it has been manufactured. Therefore, a pH balanced cream is one where the pH has been adjusted to 5.5 - 6.5 during manufacturing to allow for a slight decline and also to prevent the product from irritating the skin.

All Aloe Ferox creams are designed, manufactured and tested to fall within these guidelines. All Aloe Ferox products are pH balanced.