Saturday, November 30, 2013

Winter is coming are you ready? Winter skin and Body Care


 Winter is coming, are you Ready?  Winter skin and body care


The luxury of warm sunrays on your bare shoulders, a light summer breeze through your hair and splashing around in cool waters are officially over for the last part of

2013. Summer left a trail of good memories, empty purses, dehydrated skins and less-than-perfect hair conditions behind. Memories can be captured in photo albums, but dehydration needs a bit more work! In this newsletter, we focus on rehydrating our bodies and skin before the full onslaught of winter disorders.

Winter has its own charm … those cozy nights at the fireplace, chilly mornings when exhaling small, white clouds instead of carbon dioxide, the warmth of snuggling up in bed with hot chocolate, the smell of soup when entering the house, beef stew, rice and potatoes, baked pudding…

Winter does seem to generate a non-stop hunger in many of us. Irrespective of good intentions to stay slim, few of us manage to say NO to the seductions of winter!

We are much more vulnerable to cravings for and the seductions of food if our nutritional state is not balanced. This year, try something better than good motives: invest in your summer body by taking the necessary supplements and drinking sufficient amounts of water throughout winter.

“Spice up” a glass of water by adding a teaspoon of orange juice to a cup of hot (boiling) water and rather enjoy it as a hot drink. Aloe Tea, mixed with a morsel of grated ginger and a drop of honey, is another way of getting your body hydrated with a refreshing hot drink.

Stock up on Aloe Multi Plus and Body Basics to prevent the winter from seducing you into eating much more than you require for healthy living and a lean body.

Aloe Multi Plus is a unique blend of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and Aloe ferox extract to supplement nutritional imbalances in your body and diet. Aloe ferox plant extract has proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant & cancer-inhibiting properties. Scientists have also shown that this extract assists in weight loss.

Body Basics comprises a combination of Aloe ferox plant extract, magnesium, zinc, folic acid and vitamins B2, B6 and B12. These are the known “bouncers” of disease since they strengthen the body’s nerve system.

Aloe Multi Plus is suitable for individuals without an optimally balanced diet to provide general vitamins and nutrients in order to maintain a healthy body.

Body Basics is a mineral and vitamin B complex, suitable as supplement where stress is responsible for depletion of valuable nutrients.

Individuals leading a busy life combined with a non-optimal diet are advised to use both these products.

A dehydrated or a dry skin?
The structure of the skin is comparable to that of a mattress. The top layers (epidermis) form a protective barrier against the outside world while the mid and inner layers contain structures which impart that radiant look to a beautiful skin. Oil, keeping the skin supple, is secreted from tiny oil glands in the pores of the skin.

If too much oil is secreted, the skin appears greasy, but when insufficient oil is secreted, the skin surface is dry and may appear parched.

In a healthy skin, moisture is captured in-between the internal structures of the dermis, but when these structures are eroded, moisture leaks out and the skin becomes dehydrated. This skin may not necessarily look parched, but it usually appears dull.

Oil glands are regulated by hormones and not by the state of the skin’s internal structures. It is therefore possible to have an oily, but dehydrated skin! However, when the skin is both dry and dehydrated, it commonly appears transparent with a very fine texture.
A dehydrated skin is usually the first sign that the internal skin structures are not in a good condition and this will lead to early wrinkling and sagging.

Dry skin may be treated by application of a cream or oil that lubricates the skin surface.

Such an application will immediately remove the parched appearance. However, since the skin’s natural oil originates from the oil glands, “permanent” treatment of dry skin can only be accomplished if the oil glands are stimulated to improve oil production. This usually happens automatically during teen years! Individuals who suffer from too little (or too much) oil production may find it valuable to use Radical Image capsules as a skin supplement. These capsules contain a blend of herbs that stimulate biological processes towards hormonal balance.

Use Hand Cream or Heel Balm to improve the appearance of dry and parched skin.


Treating a dehydrated skin
An intensive moisturiser (like Mature or Ultra Rich Night Cream) returns
moisture to the deeper skin layers. However, if the skin’s absorptionability
is poor, most of the cream stays on the surface while the deeper layers remain thirsty. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to repair the internal structures.

Appropriate treatment to fortify skin structures in order to retain the moisture applied to the skin, takes time. It is also essential to encourage the skin to absorb the moisture and active ingredients that are applied to it.

Aloe ferox plant extract facilitates repair of damaged cells and improves skin absorption. Therefore, all products that contain Aloe ferox extract offers improved absorption and skin repair. However, as aging or neglect progresses, additional encouragement may be necessary.  

Super Aloe Gel is a superb product to apply just before (or simultaneously with) your moisturizer. 

The Timeless Skin range has been designed on the premise of stimulating natural rebuilding of skin structures and providing additional moisture that is captured for a prolonged period. Over time, the use of this product range results in a radiant and plump complex with noticeably reduced sagging.

 Stay healthy this Winter and if you need a bit more help try our Winter Fighter herbal supplement

Sources : Aloe Ferox Newsletter/Nuusbrief 3/2013

How safe is Aloe Ferox Bitters when used for constipation?

How safe is Aloe ferox bitters when used for
Constipation is not a disease, but the inefficient functioning of
a biological process. Research on constipation have shown
that Aloe ferox bitters is an effective laxative for acute
constipation and that the bitters does not present any safety
risks for short- or long-term use in this regard.
However, research for one bowel condition should never simply be extended
for self-treatment of other bowel conditions. For example, chronic constipation
may be a sign of an underlying disorder, which should be identified and treated
as such. It may also be a sign of a low-fibre diet or even a high-fibre diet but
with insufficient water intake ̶ both these can be corrected by lifestyle changes
and does not require any dietary supplements for a long-term solution.
Individuals with bowel diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease or
diverticulitis are not advised to use bitter supplements or laxatives since these
increase symptoms of the disease. Long-term use of Aloe ferox extracts to selftreat
diseases is counter indicated, since safety of any product for a specific
condition should be tested for that condition and cannot simply be assumed
from safety reports for other conditions.

Liver health & Aloe ferox
The LIVER is one of our vital organs without which we cannot survive. Since the
liver supports almost every organ in the body, its malfunctioning is severely
In various scientific studies on damaged livers, researchers found a significant
improvement in liver health after treatment with Aloe ferox bitters. Also, those
treated with bitters had much lower damage to their livers than control groups
after other treatments that are known to affect the liver.
This is great news to those who suffer from liver problems as well as those who
have to take medicines that might have adverse effects on the liver. Dose: take
1/4 - 1/2 tablet of Fabulous Fibre Bitter (or a small bitter crystal) every day to
assist in the health of your liver.

Interesting facts about stained colons
Research reports of the 80’s and 90’s questioned the use of
anthraquinones (found in aloe bitters) as a potential risk of
colon cancer because these substances stain the colon.
What does the latest research say?
From studies done between 2000 and 2013 it was shown
that colon staining could be ascribed to many different reasons and that it
cannot be linked to cancer or the risk thereof. Some interesting facts from
these studies:
• Colon staining is due to a natural intestinal pigment (lipofuscin) that
deposits in the colon lining and is not due to the brown pigment found in
Lipofuscin only deposits on normal colon linings and not on growths.
Therefore, during a colonoscopy polyps, glands and other growths
appear “bright” against a stained colon. This actually helps to see lumps!
• The use of bitters does indeed cause staining of the colon. Staining
occurs within 4 months of continuous use and disappears within 12-15
months after discontinuation.
• Study participants, who used bitters for a long period, were compared to
one another to determine if long-term use can be linked to cancerous
growths. Interestingly, healthy patients used bitters on average for about
2 years longer than sick patients – with no indication of cancerous
• Inflammatory bowel disease causes colon staining – even if
anthraquinones were never used before.
• Many patients with colon growths (benign or malignant) have never used
any laxatives – neither bitters nor others. Also, many of these patients
show no signs of stained colons.
• Undesirable colorectal growths are strongly linked to gender, age and
smoking. These are more predominant in males and the incidence also
increases with aging and with smoking habits.

A Testimonial from one of our customers:

A few years ago I purchased some Aloe Ferox Gel & Bitter Crystals from a vendor at an African Street Fair.  

I was born with a physical deficiency that caused lifelong constipation. As a child I was always sick with fevers because my body was not eliminating properly. I've tried so many things to remedy this condition, from avoiding constipating foods, eating high fiber diets, whole grains, psyllium & flax seeds, to drinking more water, prunes / juices, probiotics, various herbs like senna, triphala, teas, both natural and OTC laxatives, prescription medicines, detox cleanses, enemas, colonics, massage, castor oil internally and external packs, special yogic exercises, etc...

Some were effective temporarily but eventually the condition would return. Some were very expensive, messy or inconvenient. Others caused tremendous pain, cramping, bloating, gas or diarrhea. And sadly, most of these solutions left me even more constipated after I stopped using them, promoting dependence or reducing natural peristalsis as lazy bowel syndrome after using them long term.

This vendor explained how the bitter crystals worked, and I thought being natural it was worth a try. I followed the instructions taking a tiny dose before bed with water, and by morning I was regular with no pain, bloating or cramping, and the results for me were almost miraculous. It was hard to believe such a tiny dosage could have such a powerful balancing effect with no negative side effects.

Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals are the only product I use now when constipated. I've never experienced any negative side effects from them. The product lasts a very long time so the cost of use is minimal compared to other products/ treatments I've tried, with no mess or inconvenience, They are easy to travel with and something I would not want to be without. It is the only product I have found that works well for me.

The Aloe Ferox skin gel also was almost as miraculous in healing sunburns overnight. I love being in the sun but don't like to use sunscreen because most contain unhealthy ingredients and block natural vitamin D production. This gel helps heal and prevent my skin from that leathery look I used to get after heavy sun exposure. Another wonderful product I would not want to travel without!

Aloe Ferox Newsletter Oct/Nov 2013 and Testimonial from our customer MS

Monday, February 11, 2013

Staining - Intestinal and Skin

Our exteriors aren’t the only stain-able parts. We can also stain on the inside. In fact, one often hears about intestinal staining. What is the truth about intestinal staining and is it dangerous or is it not? What do the educated people say about this?

Pigmentation is the discolouration of the skin, showing as dark (hyperpigmentation) or light
(hypopigmentation) skin patches. Primary causes are genetic factors, skin disorders, adverse reactions from medicines, sun damage, hormonal factors and pigment deposition.

Melanocytes are skin cells that produce pigments (melanin) responsible for skin color The coloring reaction is triggered by a specific enzyme. If too energetic, the enzyme may enlarge melanocytes and/or increase their number, which in turn, cause their darkening. When the enzyme functions poorly, no melanin is formed and normal skin color is lost.

A freckle is a darkened melanocyte, whereas a lentigo is a flat layer of melanocytes grouped together.
Those small flat dark-brown spots on your skin are called simplex lentigines, whereas the larger,
patchy-looking sun/liver spots are called solar lentigines. A mole is a multi-layer clogging of
melanocytes and those white confetti-like spots are called iIdiopathic gutatte hypomelanosis, a form of hypopigmentation.

Many pigmentation conditions are caused by melanocyte changes, but some may be due to
deposition of non-melanin pigments in the tissue. For example, dark under-eye circles and
discoloration from chemotherapy and anti-malaria medicines result from pigment deposition, either
from poorly circulated blood or specific medicinal molecules.

Is it possible to reverse pigmentation?

Treating pigmentation may be impossible, unfeasible or require medical invasion, especially when due to genetic factors, skin disorders or medicinal effects. However, some hyperpigmentation disorders are home-treatable by topical products that contain depigmentation actives.

Optimal actives concentrate on the cause of pigmentation: either normalize over-active enzymes or
“dissolve” deposited pigments. It is important that the selected actives should only “de-colorise” overcolored areas.

An active that simply bleaches out skin is hazardous, may lead to color loss in normal skin and skin irritations. Many “skin whitening” products contain these hazardous actives.

Pigment deposition in the tissue may be treated by actives that mimic the body’s way of dealing
with bruises. 

When bruised, small blood vessels rupture and spill blood into the tissue. Iron molecules in the spilled blood lend the familiar blue color to the bruised skin. “Clean-up” enzymes are  subsequently released, which gradually degrade the spilled molecules until they completely disappear. Color changes (blue, violet-green, brown, yellow, and then normal tone) reveal this degradation process.

Reversal of pigmentation is very slow as de-pigmentation requires dedicated treatment over a period of 6-12 months.

Hormonal patches and sun/liver spots may be treated with Energizing Serum, SpotLess Crème and Moisture 4Him. These products contain botanical active to reverse hyperpigmentation in a safe and natural manner..

Energizing Serum and SpotLess Crème contain comparable concentrations of depigmentation actives and as a result are equally potent. However, Energizing Serum is part of the anti-aging skin range and as such, also contains actives to revitalize/energise an aging skin.

SpotLess Crème is better suitable to be used for depigmentation of younger skin (e.g. for hormonal discolouration), whereas Energizing Serum is more suitable to be used for depigmentation of a mature skin (e.g. sun/liver spots). 

Since the serum is a more expensive product, individuals with mature skin might find it economical to use SpotLess Crème (rather than the serum) for spots on the hands.

Men and women suffer equally from sun/liver spots. These spots are often quite evident on the head surface of balding men. 

Moisture 4Him offers depigmentation and hence improvement of the appearance, to male consumers.

Eye Cream contains botanical actives to stimulate capillary circulation and clean up non-melanin pigments in under-eye dark areas.

Aloe bitters: internal staining?

Melanosis coli is the condition of having a stained colon. The dark-brown color of
the aloe bitters is due to the chemical anthraquinone, an important chemical in medicines that treat certain cancers, malaria, Alzheimer’s and constipation.

Prolonged use or abuse of anthraquinone leads to a stained colon ─ long been considered a 
harmless condition. However, in recent years researchers became worried about a possible link between a stained colon and colorectal cancer because individuals with stained colons appear to have many more polyps in their colons than those without the condition.

However, subsequent medical studies revealed that colon polyps do not undergo pigmentation,
whereas other colon skin does. Hence, the polyps in a stained colon are very easy to 
detect – looking like little light spots against the stained colon background. 

In a normal-colored colon, the color of the colon and polyps are the same and their detection is more difficult, especially the small ones.

Hence, there was found to be no connection between the number of polyps and anthraquinone.
Anthraquinone does not form polyps. HOWEVER: it was found that individuals who regularly misuse or abuse laxatives have more colon polyps than those with regular (natural) bowel movements.

Laxatives: use or abuse?

Laxative abuse may be classified into four groups: (1) as part of an eating disorder(e.g. anorexia); (2) as crutch to “stay regular”; (3) to enforce fast weight loss (e.g.weightlifters); (4) to inflict diarrhoea in order to “cleanse the system”.

Laxatives (natural or synthetic) are intended to alleviate an acute health problem. When used
chronically, it becomes an abuse. Abuse may lead to many other problems such as an increased risk of colon cancer, electrolytic and acid/base imbalances, tiredness, bloatedness, fast weight gain
when discontinued and increased long term constipation.

Normal bowel movements result from a combination of water and fibre (from fruits and dietary
roughage). Those with insufficient fruit, whole foods or water intake are likely to suffer from chronic

Chronic use of laxatives “unlearns” the body to perform natural bowel movements and require ever increasing doses to “stay regular”. Sometimes it is necessary to “get the body going”, but thereafter the diet should be adjusted in order to avoid laxative dependence.

Fabulous Fibre Bitter should not be used as chronic laxative. One tablet/capsule a day suffices to impart the health benefits of the aloe bitters without forcing bowel movement. A larger dose (2-3
capsules/tablets) is only advised for an acute problem. If constipation persists, one should see a

Products to promote health:

Fabulous Fibre Bitter contains anthraquinone. Besides the medical benefits mentioned, it also has many other benefits, including improvement of various skin conditions, joint stiffness, inflammation and pains.

Small quantities of bitters (taken over a period of at least 2-6 months) contribute to the improvement of these conditions.

Fabulous Fibre Regular is a fibre-filled capsule that supplements one’s daily need for fibre. One capsule a day adds sufficient fibre to a diet without being a laxative stimulant. Higher doses have purgative effects. Drink sufficient water when using this supplement.

Whole-leaf Aloe Juice is an excellent supplement for general intestinal health. The dosage for health maintenance is only 15-75 mL per day.

Larger doses are beneficial for immune system boosting, e.g. at the start of colds and flu. Due to the fibre content of the Aloe ferox plant, very large doses might also have a purgative effect.

Doctor’s opinion: Certain physicians advise their patients to refrain from aloe bitters. Doctors are intelligent, professionally trained individuals who do not base their advice on senseless, unsubstantiated reasons and usually have good reasons for their opinions. 

If you do not agree with a doctor’s advice, get a second opinion, but be very careful of playing doctor to your customers as you may endanger their lives.

Stay Healthy, Reduce Stress in your life and be Happy!

Reference - Aloe Ferox Newsletter, Dr. Elsabe Cloete Aloe Ferox Africa